super swampers or not?
Your fine, no bubble of mine to bust on that one. I dont really see anything wrong with them. I mean, at the minimum you are replacing old bolts with new ones. I know my old ones where rusting away and there was not much left of my front bolts and I know replacing mine helped my truck.
swampers on a stock height truck FTL! with a lift they look ok, but as stated above, they ride bad, wear terribly on the road and look bad in a small size. if you dont plan on a lift stick with some nice all terrains or something. sounds like they might suit you better for what you are going to use your truck for.
ok, thanks guys, im not doing a bodylift because when i go to sell, i think it kills the worthiness, i personelly wouldnt buy a truck with a bl but thats my opinion. i think i will just stick to my regular plan- 15x8 series 51, 31" cooper discoverer stt, 2" coil spacer
well i had a neighbor who is a very good saxophone player, he got a full degree to whitworth and after that i asked him what he was gonna do, he simply said live in a bus, i told him he was crazy and i didnt beleive him. literaly the next day he came up with this bus. he got the volkswagen for free and put it on top for sleeping quarters. the woodwork inside is amzaing, beleive it or not, their father works at a yacht company. they set up scafolding (alot of it) and put tarps over that to paint in. i love the scheme. there is a better pic in my album. the real kicker is, it runs off of vegetable oil. they made the news in spokane. click on the link post below, you will scroll down about a little bit and you will see the video player, right under that is a search bar for the video. type in vegetable oil bus, it will be in the bottom left. sorry if this is confusing. News, Weather and Sports for Spokane, WA and Coeur d'Alene, ID | - Home
yeah the news guy rode around town with them for 2 and a half hours lol. my neighbor was the one with the beard, i had to help these guys alot with all the real man work, all they new was the electrical, i even had to show them how to change their oil, but these guys are pretty cool. they plan on goin down to south mexico on the coast down there, i wished them good luck lol